
On The Flixbus to Mantova

Flitting from flowers,
All tottering.
Bozen to Bolzano,
Your boot soul licking
Alpine dirt and tarmac,
To sweet sea air:
Heart strings all strung out
On a last love and a final destination.

Known only in the knees,
Born always in the eyes,
Pulling you out and
Splintering the oldest tether:
From the belly’s core
To the mother’s bloodstream,
All flung, maybe fleeing,
From heights to valley
With the floodwaters.

Hello World! New website, new me.

Hello World! I’m sitting in a Pret in Paris right now, having just finished Paul Auster’s (fantastic) New York Trilogy, putting together some thoughts on where I’ve been and where I want to go professionally, as a bit of an introduction to this portfolio website in the making. Here goes nothing:

After school at UChicago (see some other blog post for thoughts on those experiences), hoping to continue to build my research chops and learn more about my family’s life in Europe post-war as survivors, I earned a Fulbright and moved to Munich Germany. On the research side, I worked in Professor Albrecht Schmidt’s lab under Professor Lewis Chuang. I learned how to write clean research code, build and test an HCI artifact (EMS system for rhythm learning), and fit into an interdisciplinary research group. On the cultural side, I learned some basic German and joined a funk and soul band as a keyboardist and vocalist, and started to play gigs around the city–highlights included Bahnwärter Thiel, the Lost Weekend, Killian’s, Kennedy’s, and Minna Thiel. I also explored my family’s history in Szendro, Hungary - read more about that project in another blog post.

Unreal September

Unreal September
Money leaks
Into quiche
Speckled and potato.

Please turn up the bass,
Please keep the time,

A child’s particle dream,
Narrated in subway tones.

Best product,
festival cheese:
Dry euro:
We exhaled: gaps
In the night tracks.

Dr. Smile’s favorite
Kneesling can hold
Fearsome knees and
75 years of fellowship and
the apathy drawn from
A raw persimmon.

Therefore, consume,
Only in preparation.
Henceforth, thrice
Daily, be reminded: